Cover Illustrator: Grazi Barth
Author: Ondovato
Publisher: Alba Editora
Year of publishing: 2024
“A Parecerista” is a detective novel set in Belém - Brazil, full of humor and regionalisms, with a narrative that keeps you hooked until the last pages. In this captivating work, the author weaves together the present and the past and reveals the intricacies of the institutions of our society and the essence of the people who make them up. Cover Illustration was handcrafted in adobe Photoshop.
“A Parecerista” é um romance policial ambientado em Belém, repleto de humor e regionalismos, com uma narrativa que prende até as últimas páginas. Nesta obra envolvente, o autor enreda presente e passado e desvela os meandros das instituições da nossa sociedade e da essência das pessoas que as compõem.
Compre o livro físico aqui: https://albaeditora.com.br/product/a-parecerista/

Thank you for being here! Let me know what to think of it!
Contact at: grazib.studio@gmail.com
Follow on Instagram: @grazi.barth
Portfolio graphic designer: @pcamata | www.pcamata.com.br